Creative Improvisation


Learn how to improvise your own lead guitar solos in any key




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Step by Step

Improvising an original lead guitar solo is a very personal thing and can feel exposing for some people. If it's something that you would like to develop, then there are two directions to choose from-

Imitate or Innovate

I'm very much in the school of Innovate but that wasn't always the case.

My improvisational journey started with a lesson on how 'A guitar solo is just one lick followed by another, then squash in another lick before ripping through some random notes of a scale.' 

And I can tell you from experience, that approach leads to a dead end lane of boredom and difficulty breaking out of the pentatonic box.

Ever heard someone say... "Just play any note from the scale and it will sound fine"

Wrong. All I hear is, "Just let your fingers do the thinking and turn off the creative part of your brain."

What's included in the course?

  • 6 of the most common scales used to improvise.
  • Detailed description of how to use them in different situations.
  • Backing tracks in all keys in various styles.
  • Different techniques to add phrasing.
  • How to make your solos interesting for the audience, and you.
  • Song tutorials to give examples of how to use different techniques and develop single note picking technique.



You are my #1 priority

If you feel that this course is not for you,

I will make it right with my 14 day money back guarantee.

That is my commitment to you.

Improvisation Fundamentals


One payment, yours for life

  • 12 Week Beginner Course
  • Barre Chord Builder Course

Creative Fundamentals Bundle


One Payment, yours for life

  • Improvisation Fundamentals
  • Fingerstyle Fundamentals
  • Creative song writing
  • One to one coaching session